The First Inquiry
The first inquiry our group has made is regarding how to utilize wasted stuffs and change them into useful stuffs and then used by people. It means the wasted stuffs such as rubbish are changed into a useful stuff and people can use it for their daily needs without any bad feeling caused by its original material. The following is the experiences of the group members when they conducted their experiences.
Tiffany collected the wasted plastic cover. She then cleaned, washed, and dried them. After cleaning them, Tiffany chose the good one and brought it the tailor. The tailor was asked by her to make a good bag from the cleaned wasted plastic cover. It took about three days from collecting the plastic cover until the plastic bag is ready to be used.
Jasper collected the dried leaves and used them for natural fertilizer. These were put around the trees or plants in his house and at the school. It was proven that the trees and plants were looking better than before. It took about three days for him to prove that the trees and plants are looking better after he fertilized them.
Tasya made a flower from papers. The wasted papers were collected by her and put them in the blender and mix them together. After the paper has been mixed each other, she put the blended paper on a small wire and designed it to be a beautiful flower.
David made a biomass stove from sawdust, cookie can, etc. He collected the dust produced when wood is sawed, cookie can and other stuffs. He then designed it as a stove.
The second inquiry of our group has made is regarding our attention toward the environmental issue around us. It means our care ness, concern and attention to the environment. The simple example that is difficult to perform is to not throw the garbage in any places except its determined location or bin, not cut trees or plants haphazardly as it can cause flood and landslide.
The group members intensively asked their neighbors, friends, brothers and sisters from the whole families to not throw the garbage randomly and put them in the bin or location that is determined for it. The group members believe that their tasks will be of benefit to their environment even though the size of their tasks is too small.
The third inquiry of our group is to take part in saving the earth. It means some tasks have to be done for saving the planet energy such as electric power, water, etc. Saving power and water for instance are very important. If the electric devices such as television, radio and dvd players, computer, etc, are not used, their electric power must be switched off in order to save the energy. This also applies to the use of water. The tap water must be switched off when the water is not used. In order to implement these tasks, the member of the group told these important issues and messages to their families, friends, neighbors, etc. and they believe that these will be of benefit to people and ultimately save the planet energy.